Phantom vs Vandal Stats Comparison

All weapons in Valorant have different stats and attributes. During the buying phase, hover your mouse over a gun and it will show the stats on the right side of the buy screen. 

Here is the stats overview of the Phantom vs Vandal:

Firing ModeFull-automatic Full-automatic
Fire Rate (Primary/Hip Mode)11 rounds/sec9.25 rounds/sec
Fire Rate (1.25x Zoom Mode)9.9 rounds/sec8.32 rounds/sec
Magazine Capacity3025
Wall PenetrationMediumMedium

 As you can see, both guns cost 2900 credits. Both of them are also fully automatic, and both have medium wall penetration. 

The main difference is that the Phantom seemingly has better overall stats than the Vandal. The Phantom has a faster fire rate in both the primary and zoom mode and has a bigger magazine capacity. This is a big advantage over the Vandal in chaotic duels as it allows you to shoot longer without reloading.

Another big advantage of the Phantom is the silencer. In Valorant, weapons with a silencer don’t show the visual tracer bullets when they’re being fired. This can be very advantageous when you’re shooting through smokes or when you’re firing from a sneaky position. 

In this case, the Phantom is a better overall AR than the Vandal.

Damage Difference

Now let’s take a look at the damage output for each gun. 

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In Valorant, damage dealt is different depending on how far you are from your target, and which part of the body you are hitting. 

Most of the time, a direct hit to the head will result in an instant kill or headshot, while hits to the body and legs will give less damage. 

Take note that the arms and hands are also part of the torso hitbox and will take the same amount of damage.

Here’s the damage difference between the Phantom and Vandal:

Vandal0-50mHead – 156
Body – 39
Legs – 33
Phantom0-15mHead – 156
Body – 39
Legs – 33
15-30mHead – 140
Body – 35
Legs – 30
30-50mHead – 124
Body – 31
Legs – 26

As we can see, the Phantom’s damage decreases the further you are from your target. If an enemy agent is wearing a heavy shield, you can no longer kill them with a headshot beyond 15 meters. This is a huge disadvantage if you are on the defending team because you’ll be forced to fight closer to your enemy.

On the other hand, the Vandal deals the same damage to the head, body, and legs at 0-50 meters. This means that even at a distance of 50 meters, the Vandal will still kill an agent wearing a heavy shield with a headshot.

When it comes to total damage output and range, we can say that the Vandal is the better gun


So, what is the best assault rifle in Valorant? Despite having a slower fire rate and fewer bullets, we’re picking the Vandal as the best AR in the game. With its 50-meter headshot capability and better damage potential, the Vandal wins over the Phantom.

However, depending on your own play style, you might prefer the Phantom. At the end of the day, much of this comes down to your own personal preference, ability, and in-game strategy.
